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Contracts Bundle: 400 Series: Remodeling Contracts

NAHB Member:

NAHB offers a variety of residential construction contracts and documents developed by NAHB members, exclusively for home builders and remodelers. Visit NAHB Contracts for the complete list of available contracts.

This bundle includes the following four contracts.

  • 401: Remodeling Contract
  • 402: Remodeling Contract – Short Form
  • 403: Cancellation Notice Form
  • 404: Lead Paint – Notices and Construction Date Certification

Each contract will be delivered as a downloadable Word document.

Please note that your digital contract purchase is non-refundable.

The following contracts are included in this bundle:

401: Remodeling Contract Use this contract for remodeling improvements and additions to existing homes - parties are the owner and the remodeler. Length: 7 pages

402: Remodeling Contract - Short Form Use this contract for small-job remodeling improvements to existing homes - parties are the owner and the remodeler. Length: 2 pages

403: Cancellation Notice Form Use this form to comply with the Federal Trade Commission Act and state home solicitation statutes governing certain remodeling contracts executed in the customer's home or through electronic means - provides mandated right to cancellation within three business days. Length: 1 page

404: Lead Paint - Notices and Construction Date Certification Use this form for remodeling homes constructed before 1978 - provides Environmental Protection Agency required lead paint notices, and the owner's certification as to the date of construction. Length: 1 page